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Incubus 1 Page 15
Incubus 1 Read online
Page 15
Brianna nodded after her question was answered and leaned back, brow furrowing. She glanced at Anthony out of the corner of her eye. He noticed her look and tilted his head, but she looked away.
Professor Incanscino fiddled with the holoprojector, which caused the three dimensional male figure to suddenly light up. Seven small orbs appeared inside of the body. One of them was over his heart, another close to his solar plexus, one on either hand, one near in his abdomen, one between his shoulder blades and the base of his neck, and another in his forehead. Six of the seven orbs were currently dim and gray, but one of them, the orb right around his solar plexus, was glowing a bright blue.
“This is a representation of your body, taken from a scan I did last night,” Professor Incanscino explained. “Until now, all of these orbs have been grayed out. When you and Brianna had sex, this orb right here changed color.” While Brianna flushed at being so blatantly called out on her sexual activity, neither of them said anything, allowing the woman to continue. “Each of these orbs represents a specific power that you possess.” Professor Incanscino pointed at the only orb currently glowing. “This orb right here represents the power of your body.”
Anthony narrowed his eyes as he worked through what all this meant. He considered himself a rather smart individual. He couldn’t become a doctor who specialized in Catastrophes and Curses if he wasn’t.
“So when Brianna and I slept together, my powers as an incubus became active and transformed me into this? Is that what you are saying?”
“Close. It is true that your body was restored thanks to your powers activating, but your powers are capable of doing so much more than just that. We’ll go into how your powers work a little later. For now, I want to focus on what you two must do from this point onward.” Professor Incanscino paused for a moment as though collecting her thoughts. “Now that you have activated your powers, I am no longer able to reverse time on you like I had before. That means you will be reliant on Brianna here for mana from now on. You understand what that means, right?”
As Brianna once more blushed, Anthony realized that Professor Incanscino was talking about sex. Incubus were just like succubus in that their bodies produced mana from acts of passion. In other words, sex. This was how they sustained themselves.
“Bri?” Anthony turned to the woman sitting beside him, staring at her hands as they rested on her lap. The woman jumped when he called her by the nickname he’d come up with. “Is this something you are okay with?”
Brianna looked at him with wide eyes, but then she took several deep breaths and calmed down. It seemed she was still embarrassed by what happened last night. Perhaps now that their situation had been settled for the moment, she was beginning to comprehend more about their situation and what it meant for her. Anthony was worried she might be regretting her decision.
“I am okay with it.” Brianna hesitated for a moment before reaching out and placing one hand on his. While her cheeks were still pink, her eyes contained a determination that couldn’t be masked. “I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to save you. I… um… what I mean to say is that I knew being bound to you would mean we’d be doing that… er… having sex, so I was prepared. You don’t have to worry about me.” She suddenly smiled. “I told you last night. I want to grow closer to you and explore these feelings I have.”
Anthony felt a strange tension in his chest, which he hadn’t even realized existed until that moment, unravel. His body relaxed as he turned his hand over in his lap and grabbed Brianna’s. As he curled his fingers around her hand, she gripped his back, and he felt like he could feel their connection flowing between them through the contact. It was as if he could sense what she was thinking in that moment, though it was very vague and indistinct right now.
“There are a few other things you two will need to understand,” Professor Incanscino said, interrupting their moment. They looked over to see her wearing a serious expression as she stared at Anthony. “The first is that you will need more bondmates if you want to activate all of your powers—and you will want those powers activated.” She narrowed her eyes as if she could see what he was thinking. “You might have been able to stay under the radar before because you were so weak, but now that your powers have become active, you are going to draw attention. I don’t doubt that many powerful beings will attempt to enslave you or kill you. If you wish to fight against them and keep Brianna safe, you’ll need to create a dedicated harem of bondmates who can not only help you grow stronger, but who will be able to grow stronger alongside you.”
Anthony had been afraid of this. He knew that if he bound a woman to him, he would have to bind more women. Lilith had thirteen bondmates at the height of her power. Anthony had only been the last of those thirteen.
Brianna’s grip on his hand tightened, causing him to look over and see her lips pursed. He decided to speak with her about this matter in private.
“There is another reason you’ll want more bondmates besides just increasing your powers,” Professor Incanscino continued. “Because of the nature of incubus, you are not going to be able to sustain yourself with just one bondmate. Not only will you be unable to activate anymore of your powers, but you will require more sex than one person can give you.”
At those stunning words, the professor looked at Brianna.
“You might be fine now, but as time goes on, Anthony’s sexual appetite is going to climb. It will not be long before one person alone will be unable to satisfy him. You can try, but once this happens, he will run you ragged. This is just another reason incubus and succubus have multiple bondmates.”
“How do you know all this?” asked Brianna, her brows furrowed as she stared at the woman. “Incubus are so rare that only one more has appeared aside from Anthony in the last five hundred years. How can you know so much about them?”
“It’s simple. I don’t. This is all just guesswork.” Professor Incanscino smiled at the now gawking redhead. “However…” Lifting her hand again, the professor summoned another holoprojector, which she placed beside the one displaying Anthony’s powers. She turned it on. An image was projected into the air, this time of a woman with thirteen glowing orbs inside of her body. “Can you tell me who this is a representation of?”
“Lilith,” Anthony answered, his eyes never leaving the three dimensional figure as longing surged within his heart. “That’s Lilith.”
“I knew you’d recognize her even without any facial features being shown.” Professor Incanscino chuckled. “Yes, this is a representation of Lilith’s power, taken from a scan several months before her battle with Cane. I took this scan myself by the way,” she added before gesturing to both the male and female figures. “As you can see, the way their power is represented is nearly identical. What’s more, Anthony’s physiology is also nearly identical to a succubus’s. The only difference between these two lay in their chromosomes. Anthony is obviously male.”
“I see,” Brianna murmured with a sigh. “I guess that explains why you know so much about incubus.”
“Exactly.” Professor Incanscino nodded. “What I know about incubus is all based on what I’ve discovered by comparing Anthony’s biological makeup with Lilith’s. There are enough similarities that I can formulate a working theory that I believe is, if not completely correct, at least accurate to an astounding degree.”
Neither Anthony or Brianna said anything to dispute this woman. What could they say? It was clear that Professor Incanscino had not spent this past year twiddling her thumbs. She had obviously used that time to study his body in great depth.
Now that he thought about it, Anthony had spent a good deal of time with the professor. At least once a month, he would come over to her residence so she could turn back the clock on his body to restore his mana. It was foolish to think she wouldn’t also use this opportunity to run tests and scans on him to see what made him tick. Incubus were, after all, a rare breed of demon. Only an idiot would miss out on a once in a lifetime
chance like this.
“Do either of you have any questions so far?” asked Professor Incanscino.
Anthony and Brianna looked at each other. As they gazed into each other’s eyes, he felt like he could see and feel what she was thinking. She smiled at him. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb before turning to look at the professor.
He shook his head. “We don’t have any questions right now. To be honest, everything you just said is a little overwhelming. I think we’re going to need some time to absorb everything we learned in this conversation.”
Professor Incanscino looked like she’d been expecting this answer because she didn’t press the issue any further. Turning off the two holoprojectors, she floated them back over to her desk, and then turned to them.
“In that case, we should get down to the second order of business.” Her eyes narrowed. “The vampire who attacked you two last night.”
Brianna sucked in a breath while Anthony frowned.
“We ran a background check on him. The vampire who attacked you is named Frederic Bloodstone.” Professor Incanscino placed both feet on the ground, put her hands in her lap, and began tapping her left thigh with an index finger. Her expression was pensive. “He is a pureblood vampire from Germany and doesn’t come from any noble lineage, and it seems this Frederic has a fairly extensive criminal record to boot.”
“So he’s a wanted criminal?” asked Anthony.
The blonde woman nodded. “As you know, the Demonic Covenant prohibits vampires from taking the blood of humans without their consent. Frederic disregarded this law and forcibly drained the blood of several human women, killing them. Their bodies were found in abandoned alleys. The forces under the Vampire Warlord Elizabeth Tepes’s command tracked the deeds to Frederic, who fled Germany and vanished. No one had any idea where he was hiding until now.”
“How did someone like that sneak into Academy Island?” Brianna asked with narrowed eyes and an intense frown.
“I couldn’t tell you.” Professor Incanscino shook her head. “I have no idea how he managed to slip past security. What I can tell you is that he likely did not act alone. There might be someone within the Academy Island Private Security Forces who wants to stir up trouble, or it could be a company or research institution who wished to use Frederic for their own purposes. At present, we don’t have any leads.” She paused, sighed, and then gave them both an even gaze. “I’m only telling you both this because you are directly involved in what happened, and I believe Frederic will come after you again. I want you two to be on your guard.”
Anthony could tell this issue was causing his professor a good deal of stress, but she was doing an admirable job of hiding her feelings and emotions, keeping them completely off her face. The only reason he knew she wasn’t doing as well as she appeared was thanks to how her shoulders were slouched ever so slightly. No one else would have noticed, but Anthony had spent enough time with her to know Professor Incanscino did not under any circumstances slouch like some lazy bum. Her pride wouldn’t let her.
“We understand,” Anthony said for the two of them.
“Good. In that case, you two can go home now,” Professor Incanscino said. As Anthony and Brianna stood up, the diminutive woman continued. “I know tomorrow is a weekend, but I want you to come to school. Bring Brianna with you. It will be a good idea for you to get a handle on your new abilities, but I need time to prepare.”
Anthony and Brianna both agreed to come in tomorrow and left the professor’s residence.
The journey down the elevator was completely silent, both lost in their own thoughts.
The maglev ride home was quiet, but Anthony considered that a good thing since he had a lot to think about regarding Brianna, his powers, and what he needed to do now.
He was supposed to bind more women to him. If he went by the number of orbs inside of his body, then he needed to bind at least six more. Of course, that was going to be harder than it sounded. Anthony refused to just bind any woman he met, and he refused to bind a woman who didn’t want to be bound to him.
He also thought about Frederic. That vampire had somehow known about him, about what he was, and he even knew about Anthony’s younger brother. According to Professor Incanscino, the man was a criminal from Germany. He wasn’t a criminal mastermind, however, but a vampire who either became too addicted to blood or power, or both. Someone like him could have never discovered so much about Anthony without help.
Someone had to be providing him with information.
The question was: Who?
It didn’t take long before they arrived at their apartment complex, traveled up to their floor, and journeyed to the hallway with their doors.
Anthony turned to Brianna. She was staring at him. He could feel her through their connection, which allowed him to understand what she wanted without her telling him, though he still only got vague feelings and sensations from her.
“Hey, Bri. Why don’t you come inside my apartment with me,” he said. “I think we should talk about what we learned.”
Brianna nodded and followed Anthony into his apartment. The door shut behind her. Anthony used his wristwatch to lock the door, then slipped out of his shoes, placed both his and Brianna’s shoes against the wall, and took her hand. He traveled to the couch and sat the redhead down. Then he sat next to her.
“How do you feel about all this?” he asked finally.
“I’m a little shocked, to be honest.” Brianna gave him a helpless smile, one that didn’t reach her eyes. “I thought I understood what I was getting into when I agreed to become your bondmate, but I don’t think it occurred to me at the time that you would need to have more than one partner.”
Anthony still didn’t know what happened while he was unconscious, but he hypothesized that Professor Incanscino had somehow convinced Brianna to become his bondmate. This young woman must have been so worried about him that she didn’t even consider the consequences of her actions when she agreed. That both warmed his heart and worried him.
“Do you regret it?” he asked. “Becoming my bondmate?”
“No.” The immediate response, which was followed by Brianna shaking her head, caused the worry in his heart to dissipate. “I don’t. I’m shocked, and I’m uncertain about the future, but I don’t regret it.” She gave him a faint smile. “Were you worried?”
“A little, yeah,” he admitted. “But I also wanted to believe in us. I haven’t known you for long, and it could just be my feelings as an incubus clouding my judgement, but I like to believe our bond isn’t so weak that something like this would tear us apart.”
Brianna’s cheeks turned a soft pink at his words, but she also nodded.
“I feel the same way.”
As he stared into her eyes, Anthony once more felt the overwhelming desire to take this woman into his arms. He didn’t resist this time. Leaning over, Anthony slowly moved his head closer to Brianna’s, giving her ample time to stop him. She didn’t stop him, however. Brianna tilted her head up, and though her cheeks were pink, she leaned toward him as well.
Their lips met and an electric shock jolted Anthony’s body. Just the simple contact of her soft lips was enough to make his heart race.
Anthony scooted closer and deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth. He was happy when Brianna accepted him, opening her mouth and allowing him inside. He caressed her tongue with his. Her warm, wet mouth was absolutely perfect.
However, it wasn’t long into their kiss before Anthony wanted more.
“Bri…” he called her name, his voice heavy. “Can I touch you?”
Brianna didn’t hesitate for long. Despite looking more than a little flushed and breathless, she still nodded.
“You can. Just… um… be gentle please.”
With her permission given, Anthony went back down, kissing her and stirring the saliva inside of her mouth with his tongue. At the same time, he slid his hand underneath her shirt and undid the hook of her bra. W
ith nothing holding them up, her breasts hung a little lower on her chest, but Anthony fixed that when he slipped his other hand under her shirt and held them aloft. They really were kinda heavy. He could only imagine what sort of back pains this young woman went through on a daily basis.
Brianna released a soft, squeaky moan in his mouth as Anthony fondled her tits. He tweaked her nipples, running his finger around them before flicking the now hardened nubs. Before long, he was pushing both her bra and shirt above her chest, causing her breasts to hang out.
Goosebumps broke out on Brianna’s chest, but Anthony moved off the couch and leaned down to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. A loud gasp escaped Brianna’s lips as he swirled his tongue around her nipple. More lyrical noises escaped from her when he flicked her nipple with his tongue, then tugged on it with his teeth.
“I-if you do that, I’m gonna lose it!” Brianna exclaimed suddenly.
“Maybe I want you to lose it.”
He looked up into her eyes with her nipple still in his mouth. She was staring down at him, her cheeks flushed and her breathing heavy. Her eyes were half-lidded with desire just like they had been last night.
“Anthony… I, um… please continue…”
Anthony didn’t say anything, but as he switched from one breast to the other, he maneuvered his hand over her flat stomach, reached her jean shorts, and undid both the buttons and zipper. He slipped his hand into her jeans and panties. As he cupped her warm pussy, he used two fingers to rub her outer labia. Brianna released a stifled moan as she spread her legs apart, allowing him even better access. It wasn’t long before Brianna herself was grinding her pussy into his hand.
Because this just wasn’t enough, Anthony stopped what he was doing. Brianna moaned in complaint. He merely smiled as he closed her legs, grabbed her jeans and panties and slid them down her hips. Brianna lifted her hips to help out. Her panties were stuck to her vagina thanks to her juices, but he soon peeled them off and slid both articles of clothing down her legs.