Incubus 1 Read online

Page 18

  “I believe we can say this experiment is a success.” She waved her hands and restored the combat drones back to their original state, then ordered them all to head back inside of the storage space. She only continued speaking after the storage door had closed back up. “You two have an incredible amount of power now. However, even though we now know about your newfound power, this doesn’t mean you can slack off, especially you, Anthony.”

  “Why me especially?” asked Anthony.

  “Because you are an incubus.” The professor rolled her eyes as if the answer to that question should have been obvious. “It won’t be long before word gets out about you, and when that happens, you will be targeted. Didn’t I tell you this last night? So many people are going to try to use or kill you for their own purposes. I’m sure there are many scientists who’d love to dissect you and see what makes you tick.”

  Anthony shuddered at her words, imagining himself bound to a table as some mad scientist type split open his chest and pulled out his innards. It was not a pleasant vision. He felt violated just thinking about it.

  “We’ll work hard,” Brianna said in his place. She wore a determined expression. “I promise to train and master Physical Enhancement.” She glanced at him. “I’m also going to help Anthony train. He might be strong, but his fighting style is seriously lacking in refinement.”

  “I rather like my fighting style,” Anthony muttered.

  But Brianna shook her head. “Being a brawler is all well and good, but you should learn how to properly fight. Right now, you use a lot of wasted movements during combat. That’s fine against opponents who are weaker than you, but if you ever fought against someone stronger than you, fighting like you do now will result in your loss.”

  Anthony scratched the back of his head as heat spread to his cheeks. “I guess… you are right.”

  “Don’t worry.” Brianna gave him a confident smile. “You don’t need to learn a fighting style from scratch. We just need to further refine your hand to hand combat. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

  “Which you two can do here.” Professor Incanscino broke into the conversation. “This particular room is meant specifically to test the combat drones, so you can come in here during the weekends to practice against them. However, you can only come in early in the morning. The students arrive in the afternoon and make use of this testing room until late in the evening.”

  “We understand,” Brianna said with a nod. “We’ll come here every Saturday morning, and on weekdays, I will personally spar with him so he can get used to fighting a stronger opponent in one on one combat.”

  “That sounds like a fine idea.” Professor Incanscino agreed. “Just make sure you spar somewhere other people won’t notice you.”

  “Don’t worry. I can create barriers to keep people away,” Brianna said, puffing out her chest a little with pride.

  “Good enough.”

  The small professor’s almost dismissive attitude toward Brianna’s apparent barrier creation skills caused the redhead’s chest to deflate. It was enough to make Anthony wonder if creating a barrier was supposed to be some great feat. Brianna seemed quite proud of herself, but his professor had the same deadpan expression she usually wore.

  Since the experiment was over and it was nearing noon, Anthony went back to the locker room and changed into his regular clothes again. He met up with Brianna outside of the locker room. Professor Incanscino was not there. She had already left them, saying something about how she still had work to do and couldn’t afford to spend anymore time with them.

  As they were walking toward Building #4’s front lobby, Anthony and Brianna discussed the live-fire experiment they just went through.

  “It’s nice being able to use physical enhancement magic so easily,” Anthony said. “I haven’t been able to use magic that well since Lilith… well, I haven’t been able to use magic this easily in a while.”

  Brianna had to have noticed his slip, but she chose to ignore it and nodded. “I haven’t been able to use Physical Enhancement at all. I’ve been training hard to use it, but while it is easy to learn, it is hard to master. That’s why I have been using a battlesuit.”

  Anthony frowned. “Doesn’t that make it dangerous to send you on missions? What if your battlesuit gets destroyed like it did during your fight with the vampire?”

  “That would generally never happen… but War Maidens are usually required to master Physical Enhancement before we are sent out on solo missions like this one,” Brianna revealed that piece of information like it was nothing, but Anthony’s eyes widened.

  “If you’re not supposed to go on solo missions until you master Physical Enhancement, then why did Custodes Daemonium send you on this mission?”

  “I… I don’t know.” After admitting this, Brianna’s brow furrowed. “I guess it’s because I can use Foresight. While it’s not an incredibly powerful skill, it is a unique ability that very few people can use. Only my instructor, myself, and the three heads of Custodes Daemonium can use it. My instructor would never be sent on a mission to kill an incubus who cannot wield magic properly, and our leaders do not leave the inner sanctum except in the event of emergencies. I guess, maybe they thought I was the best choice for that reason?”

  It sounded more like she was asking a question than answering one.

  “Maybe…” Anthony muttered, though he didn’t sound convinced.

  Just as they reached the front lobby, the doors to the lobby opened and two people walked in. One of them was a woman with curly dark hair and the other was a blond-haired man with a cocky grin. Anthony felt the blood drain from his face when he saw them.

  He felt it drain further when they noticed him.

  Alex and Secilia stared at Anthony like they weren’t sure who he was at first. It was the kind of look people gave someone when they vaguely recognized a person but couldn’t place where they had seen them, like looking at an actor who might have played as a background character for your favorite movie. This look only lasted for a second before the pair’s eyes widened.

  “A-Anthony?!” Secilia shouted in shock.

  “Uh… Hey, Secilia,” Anthony said with a wan smile.

  “Don’t ‘hey, Secilia’ me!” she snapped. “What are you doing here on the weekend?! Why do you look so… so different? What is… going… on…?”

  Anthony became worried when Secilia trailed off, but then he realized the woman was giving him a strange look that he couldn’t place. It was a hard stare mixed with a blush. Secilia bit her lip, which caused Anthony’s still not completely controlled incubus nature to surge up. He brutally pushed it back. Now was not the time.

  As Secilia stared at him, Alex walked up to her side, took one look at him, and then took a step back. Anthony didn’t know what that meant. However, the cocky smirk had left Alex’s face.

  “Anthony? Who are these two?” asked Brianna.

  Brianna’s sudden question caused the two newcomers to realize Anthony wasn’t alone. They looked at the redhead. While Alex sucked in a shocked breath at the beauty standing by Anthony’s side, the complicated expression on Secilia’s face grew even more distraught.

  “You are… the girl who moved next door to Anthony, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “That’s right.” Now that she was being focused on, Brianna took a step forward, clasped her hands together, and bowed to Alex and Secilia. “My name is Brianna. No surname. I only moved into Anthony’s apartment complex a little while ago. He’s been helping me adjust.”

  “And what are you doing here?” asked Alex, recovering from his shock. That said, he still looked sick. His face was twisted like he was struggling with something.

  “I expressed an interest in attending this institution and Anthony offered to show me around.” Brianna’s quick and easy lie was so smooth Anthony was startled. This woman was so straightforward and honest that he didn’t think she could lie like that. “He’s been giving me a small tour of the facilities.”
/>   “If you wanted a tour of Building #4, you should have come to someone who is more knowledgeable about it like me,” Alex said with a smile. “I’d gladly show you around.”

  At his words, Brianna moved closer to Anthony and hugged his arm to her chest. Anthony sucked in a slow breath as his arm became encased between two soft pillows.

  “No, thanks,” she said. “I’d prefer Anthony show me around.”

  Another odd look flashed across Alex’s and Secilia’s faces when they saw this, but it left quickly.

  Alex released a strained laughed. “All right. All right. I can see you and Anthony are pretty close. I know when my attention is unwanted. Anyway, Secilia and I need to get going. We have several experiments to conduct on a new piece of equipment our class is making. We’ll see you later.”

  While Alex walked past them, making sure to give Anthony a wide berth, Secilia bit her lip as she stared between Anthony and Brianna. Only after several seconds had passed did she shake her head and walk around them. Anthony turned his head to watch the two as they disappeared down the corridor he and Brianna had just left.

  “That was a little weird, wasn’t it?” asked Brianna.

  Anthony nodded. “Their responses seemed odd. Alex was avoiding me, which he has never happened before, and Secilia… I’ve never seen her make a face like that.”

  Brianna shrugged since she didn’t know much about his two friends, but even she seemed able to tell that the confrontation just now had been odd.

  “Let’s go home,” Anthony said at last.

  “Don’t you mean ‘let’s go shopping for clothes’?” asked Brianna. “You still don’t have any that fit aside from this one.”

  At the mention of how he still needed new clothes, Alex could only groan. He’d completely forgotten about that.

  Secilia continued walking alongside Alex as turmoil plagued her mind. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen! Anthony and Brianna! They… they were…

  “They’ve bonded,” Alex suddenly said.

  “Yes,” Secilia said in a soft tone of voice.

  Alex took a deep breath. “What’s more, did you feel that aura Anthony was unleashing? I’ve never felt anything so intense. I’m just a cheap, mass produced human. My magic sense is deadened, which has allowed me to resist Anthony’s pheromones, but I still nearly succumbed to feelings of intense loathing just now. I’m afraid I would have attacked him if we didn’t leave in a hurry.”

  “Yes,” Secilia said as though she wasn’t paying attention.

  A moment of silence passed between them. Alex looked at Secilia, but she honestly couldn’t be bothered with her half-brother right now. Frustration, hurt, and worry were rolling around inside of her like a storm.

  “You know, our… boss is not going to like this,” Alex said at last.

  “I know,” Secilia admitted.

  “He might even order us to do something drastic.”

  “I know.”

  “Think he might ask us to kill Anthony?”

  “Don’t say that!” Secilia snapped. “Don’t even consider it! There is no way Director Azreal would order us to kill Anthony when he has already invested so much time and effort into acquiring him.”

  “Hey, I don’t want to kill Anthony anymore than you do.” Alex raised his hands in a defensive gesture. “All I’m saying is that the boss’s original plan has been completely derailed now that Anthony has bonded to someone who isn’t you.” He gave her a sympathetic look. “You really should have worked faster.”

  “I-I know that,” Secilia stuttered. “But I couldn’t.”

  “Because of Lilith?” When Secilia remained silent, Alex sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “You are way too nice for your own good, Sis.” He stopped talking as if waiting for her to say something, but she remained silent, causing him to frown. “Well, whatever the case may be, we’ll have to inform the boss and let him decide on what to do. Maybe he will just have us continue to observe Anthony for now.”

  Secilia didn’t say anything as they entered a locker room. Several members of their class were already present.

  Their class was rather small, consisting only of about ten people, including them. There was a girl with mousy brown hair, a boy who looked like he had giant’s blood in him, two fraternal twins (a boy and a girl), an androgynous male who could have passed for a woman, a vampire girl with pale skin and red eyes, a green-eyed Pantherian boy, and a slightly older woman dressed in a white labcoat.

  Alex and Secilia greeted their classmates as they walked up to their lockers. They didn’t say anything else about Anthony and his new bondmate. However, even as she pulled out her tools, even as they left the locker room and went to a testing facility, and even as they tested several pieces of equipment, Secilia’s mind was plagued by thoughts of Anthony.

  Chapter 9

  Waking up in bed to a warm body lying snuggled against him was one of the greatest perks about having a bondmate—at least, it was in Anthony’s mind.

  As he opened his eyes, he woke up to the soft breathing of the young woman he was spooning. With his chest against her back, all Anthony could see was her vibrant red hair and a cute little ear. He let his gaze wander down for a moment, toward her bare shoulder, and then he let it wander further. They were both covered by a blanket, but he could feel the nakedness of her back and perfectly round butt pressed up against him.

  He also felt his dick trapped firmly between her thighs.

  Sitting up a bit, Anthony leaned over, gazing at Brianna’s closed eyes, slightly parted pink lips, and small nose. Gentle snores emitted from her mouth. It was so incredible endearing Anthony couldn’t resist the sudden impulse that took hold of him.

  With a grin, he leaned down and took her ear into his mouth. The woman’s soft pink lips parted ever so slightly as she released a gentle moan. However, she didn’t wake up. Anthony continued to nibble on her ear until he realized he’d have to take more drastic measures to wake this woman.

  He pressed his lips to her jaw, then slowly worked his way across her neck. Brianna’s breathing hitched. As he kissed her, mixing hard and soft kisses together, he removed his arm from around her waist and began kneading one of her breasts with his hands. The soft and heavy texture of her tits was truly magnificent. He felt her nipples stiffen as he switched from one breast to the other, then began lightly flicking them with his index finger.


  Brianna shifted, her thighs rubbing together, but all that meant was his dick, still trapped between those magnificent legs of hers, became increasingly engorged as his arousal skyrocketed.

  He was tempted to rock his hips against her. Anthony wanted it so bad. But he held back. There were some lines Anthony would never cross, and having sex with Brianna while she was sleeping and unable to tell him no was one of those lines.

  That said, he had no qualms about giving her a pleasant wake up call.

  Removing his hands from her breasts, Anthony slid his hand along her stomach. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as her tight abdominal muscles twitched under his touch, and he enjoyed the soft feel of her wonderful skin. Very soon, he was cupping her warm sex, which was already wet with arousal.

  He pressed two fingers against her lips. As he rubbed his fingers against her, enjoying the way her pussy lips engulfed his fingers, Brianna released a much louder “Hnnn!” that made him wonder if she was about to wake up. Her eyes were closed when he looked at her. However, just as he was about to continue, Brianna rolled onto her back. He removed his dick from her thighs and pulled back before she could snap it in half.

  The way her tits jiggled before coming to rest enticed him to lean down and take one of her nipples into his mouth. Brianna bit her lower lip and stifled a moan. Yet even as her brow furrowed in what seemed like frustration, she spread her legs apart, allowing him to better stimulate her pussy with his hand.

  Brianna had no hair around her nether lips. He learned a few days ago that she waxed
it because she hated how the hair chafed when she wore a battlesuit. She had the cutest little pussy lips he’d ever seen. They were glistening with her arousal at the moment. When he removed his fingers, they came away with some of those juices.

  As he swirled his tongue around her hardened nipple, Anthony rubbed her clit. He used slow strokes to get her amped up. While she could sometimes enjoy faster and more hard-paced sex, she generally preferred slower and more tender actions. As he continued his ministrations, Brianna rocked her hips against him, grinding her pussy into his hand.

  He felt her end coming when her thigh and butt muscles clenched. A wave of pleasure washed over him through their bond, and a strange feeling of being slightly filled permeated his chest. It was similar to when he ate a hearty meal. That was the mana he received. While having actual sex gave him the greatest amount of mana, even simple acts like hugs, holding hands, and kissing could give him a bit as well.

  As Brianna’s hips and legs slumped back onto the bed, Anthony removed his mouth from her now wet nipple and looked into the woman’s still shut eyes.

  “You can open your eyes now. I know you’re awake.”

  Brianna cracked her eyes open a bit, then smiled at him with an only somewhat sleepy expression. She had low blood pressure in the mornings. While this did mean she was slow to wake up, waking up to an orgasm certainly helped her become more alert sooner.

  “Good morning,” she whispered. Her voice was slightly throaty, but that made her sound sexier in his opinion. There was something inherently attractive about a woman when she first woke up, especially if she first woke up after having an orgasm.

  Anthony smiled as he leaned over and kissed her. She returned his kiss, sighing into his mouth before he leaned back.

  “Good morning. Do you want to take a shower with me?” asked Anthony.

  In response to his question, Brianna curled and uncurled her toes as she sat up in bed. Her eyes remained locked onto him. He didn’t turn away from her gaze as she studied him. After a moment, she gave him a wan smile even as blood rushed to her cheeks.